Source code for slickml.optimization._bayesianopt

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization
from bayes_opt.util import UtilityFunction

from slickml.base import BaseXGBoostEstimator
from slickml.utils import check_var

# TODO(amir): add multi-class objective for multi-lable classification
# TODO(amir): currently the `params` dont do anything. we need to make the process of combination of
# `params` and `params_pbounds` dynamic with `_xgb_eval()`
[docs] @dataclass class XGBoostBayesianOptimizer(BaseXGBoostEstimator): """XGBoost Hyper-Parameters Tuner using Bayesian Optimization. This is wrapper using Bayesian Optimization algorithm [bayesian-optimization]_ to tune the hyper-parameter of XGBoost [xgboost-api]_ using ```` functionality with n-folds cross-validation iteratively. This feature can be used to find the set of optimized set of hyper-parameters for both classification and regression tasks. Notes ----- The optimizier objective is always to maximize the target values. Therefore, in case of using a metric such as ``logloss``, ``error``, ``mae``, ``rmse``, or ``rmsle``, the negative value of the metric will be maximized. One of the big pitfall of the current implementation is the way we are sampling hyper-parameters from the ``params_bounds`` where we are looking for an integer which is not possible. Therefore, for some of cases i.e. ``max_depth`` we must cast the sampled value which is mathematically wrong (i.e. ``f(1.1) != f(1)``). Parameters ---------- n_iter : int, optional Number of iteration rounds for hyper-parameters tuning after initialization, by default 10 n_init_iter : int, optional Number of initial iterations to initialize the optimizer, by default 5 n_splits : int, optional Number of folds for cross-validation, by default 4 metrics : str, optional Metrics to be tracked at cross-validation fitting time depends on the task (classification vs regression) with possible values of "auc", "aucpr", "error", "logloss", "rmse", "rmsle", "mae". Note this is different than `eval_metric` that needs to be passed to `params` dict, by default "auc" objective : str, optional Objective function depending on the task whether it is regression or classification. Possible objectives for classification ``"binary:logistic"`` and for regression ``"reg:logistic"``, ``"reg:squarederror"``, and ``"reg:squaredlogerror"``, by default "binary:logistic" acquisition_criterion : str, optional Acquisition criterion method with possible options of ``"ei"`` (Expected Improvement), ``"ucb"`` (Upper Confidence Bounds), and ``"poi"`` (Probability Of Improvement), by default "ei" params_bounds : Dict[str, Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]], optional Set of hyper-parameters boundaries for Bayesian Optimization where all fields are required, by default {"max_depth" : (2, 7), "learning_rate" : (0, 1), "min_child_weight" : (1, 20), "colsample_bytree": (0.1, 1.0), "subsample" : (0.1, 1), "gamma" : (0, 1), "reg_alpha" : (0, 1), "reg_lambda" : (0, 1)} num_boost_round : int, optional Number of boosting rounds to fit a model, by default 200 early_stopping_rounds : int, optional The criterion to early abort the ```` phase if the test metric is not improved, by default 20 random_state : int, optional Random seed number, by default 1367 stratified : bool, optional Whether to use stratificaiton of the targets (only available for classification tasks) to run ```` to find the best number of boosting round at each fold of each iteration, by default True shuffle : bool, optional Whether to shuffle data to have the ability of building stratified folds in ````, by default True sparse_matrix : bool, optional Whether to convert the input features to sparse matrix with csr format or not. This would increase the speed of feature selection for relatively large/sparse datasets. Consequently, this would actually act like an un-optimize solution for dense feature matrix. Additionally, this parameter cannot be used along with ``scale_mean=True`` standardizing the feature matrix to have a mean value of zeros would turn the feature matrix into a dense matrix. Therefore, by default our API banned this feature, by default False scale_mean : bool, optional Whether to standarize the feauture matrix to have a mean value of zero per feature (center the features before scaling). As laid out in ``sparse_matrix``, ``scale_mean=False`` when using ``sparse_matrix=True``, since centering the feature matrix would decrease the sparsity and in practice it does not make any sense to use sparse matrix method and it would make it worse. The ``StandardScaler`` object can be accessed via ``cls.scaler_`` if ``scale_mean`` or ``scale_strd`` is used unless it is ``None``, by default False scale_std : bool, optional Whether to scale the feauture matrix to have unit variance (or equivalently, unit standard deviation) per feature. The ``StandardScaler`` object can be accessed via ``cls.scaler_`` if ``scale_mean`` or ``scale_strd`` is used unless it is ``None``, by default False importance_type : str, optional Importance type of ``xgboost.train()`` with possible values ``"weight"``, ``"gain"``, ``"total_gain"``, ``"cover"``, ``"total_cover"``, by default "total_gain" verbose : bool, optional Whether to show the Bayesian Optimization progress at each iteration, by default True Methods ------- fit(X, y) Fits the Bayesian optimization algorithm to tune the hyper-parameters get_optimizer() Returns the fitted Bayesian Optimiziation object get_results() Returns all the optimization results including target and params get_best_results() Return the results based on the best (tuned) hyper-parameters get_best_params() Returns the tuned hyper-parameters as a dictionary get_params_bounds() Returns the parameters boundaries Attributes ---------- optimizer_ : Returns the fitted Bayesian Optimiziation object results_ Returns all the optimization results including target and params best_params_ Returns the tuned hyper-parameters as a dictionary best_results_ Return the results based on the best (tuned) hyper-parameters References ---------- .. [xgboost-api] .. [bayesian-optimization] """ n_iter: Optional[int] = 10 n_init_iter: Optional[int] = 5 n_splits: Optional[int] = 4 metrics: Optional[str] = "auc" objective: Optional[str] = "binary:logistic" acquisition_criterion: Optional[str] = "ei" params_bounds: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]] = None num_boost_round: Optional[int] = 200 early_stopping_rounds: Optional[int] = 20 sparse_matrix: Optional[bool] = False scale_mean: Optional[bool] = False scale_std: Optional[bool] = False importance_type: Optional[str] = "total_gain" stratified: Optional[bool] = True shuffle: Optional[bool] = True random_state: Optional[int] = 1367 verbose: Optional[bool] = True
[docs] def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Post instantiation validations and assignments.""" super().__post_init__() check_var( self.n_iter, var_name="n_iter", dtypes=int, ) check_var( self.n_init_iter, var_name="n_iter", dtypes=int, ) check_var( self.n_splits, var_name="n_splits", dtypes=int, ) check_var( self.metrics, var_name="metrics", dtypes=str, values=( "auc", "aucpr", "error", "logloss", "rmse", "rmsle", "mae", ), ) check_var( self.early_stopping_rounds, var_name="early_stopping_rounds", dtypes=int, ) check_var( self.random_state, var_name="random_state", dtypes=int, ) check_var( self.stratified, var_name="stratified", dtypes=bool, ) check_var( self.shuffle, var_name="shuffle", dtypes=bool, ) check_var( self.verbose, var_name="verbose", dtypes=bool, ) # TODO(amir): use type overload self.verbose = self._verbose() # type: ignore check_var( self.objective, var_name="objective", dtypes=str, values=( "binary:logistic", "reg:squarederror", "reg:squaredlogerror", "reg:logistic", ), ) check_var( self.acquisition_criterion, var_name="acquisition_criterion", dtypes=str, values=( "ei", "ucb", "poi", ), ) # The default set of params bounds can be updated based on the given params bounds by user _default_params_bounds = self._default_params_bounds() if self.params_bounds is not None: check_var( self.params_bounds, var_name="params_bounds", dtypes=dict, ) _default_params_bounds.update(self.params_bounds) self.params_bounds = _default_params_bounds else: self.params_bounds = self._default_params_bounds() # classification/regression metrics and objectives should be aligned self._metrics_and_objectives_should_be_aligned()
[docs] def fit( self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y: Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series], ) -> None: """Fits the main hyper-parameter tuning algorithm. Notes ----- At each iteration, one set of parameters gets passed from the `params_bounds` and the evaluation occurs based on the cross-validation results. Bayesian optimizier always maximizes the objectives. Therefore, based on the `metrics` we should be careful when using `self.metrics` that are supposed to get minimized i.e. `error`. For those, we can maximize `(-1) * metric`. One of the big pitfall of the current implementation is the way we are sampling hyper-parameters from the `params_bounds` where we are looking for an integer which is not possible. Therefore, for some of cases i.e. `max_depth` we must cast the sampled value which is mathematically wrong (i.e. f(1.1) != f(1)). Parameters ---------- X : Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] Input data for training (features) y : Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series] Input ground truth for training (targets) Returns ------- None """ def _xgb_eval( max_depth: float, subsample: float, colsample_bytree: float, min_child_weight: float, learning_rate: float, gamma: float, reg_alpha: float, reg_lambda: float, ) -> float: """Inner hyper-parameter evaluation. Returns ------- float """ params = self._inner_params( max_depth=max_depth, subsample=subsample, colsample_bytree=colsample_bytree, min_child_weight=min_child_weight, learning_rate=learning_rate, gamma=gamma, reg_alpha=reg_alpha, reg_lambda=reg_lambda, ) if self.metrics in self._clf_metrics(): _cvr = params=params, dtrain=self.dtrain_, num_boost_round=self.num_boost_round, nfold=self.n_splits, stratified=self.stratified, metrics=self.metrics, early_stopping_rounds=self.early_stopping_rounds, seed=self.random_state, shuffle=self.shuffle, ) else: _cvr = params=params, dtrain=self.dtrain_, num_boost_round=self.num_boost_round, nfold=self.n_splits, metrics=self.metrics, early_stopping_rounds=self.early_stopping_rounds, seed=self.random_state, shuffle=self.shuffle, ) if self.metrics in self._metrics_should_be_minimized(): return (-1) * _cvr.iloc[-1][2] else: return _cvr.iloc[-1][2] self.dtrain_ = self._dtrain( X_train=X, y_train=y, ) self.optimizer_ = BayesianOptimization( f=_xgb_eval, pbounds=self.params_bounds, random_state=self.random_state, verbose=self.verbose, constraint=None, bounds_transformer=None, ) self.optimizer_.maximize( init_points=self.n_init_iter, n_iter=self.n_iter, acquisition_function=UtilityFunction( kind=self.acquisition_criterion, kappa=2.576, xi=0.0, kappa_decay=1, kappa_decay_delay=0, ), ) self.results_ = self.get_results() self.best_params_ = self.get_best_params() self.best_results_ = self.get_best_results() return None
[docs] def get_params_bounds( self, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]]: """Returns the hyper-parameters boundaries for the tuning process. Returns ------- Dict[str, Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] """ return self.params_bounds
[docs] def get_optimizer(self) -> BayesianOptimization: """Return the Bayesian Optimization object. Returns ------- BayesianOptimization """ return self.optimizer_
[docs] def get_results(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the hyper-parameter optimization results. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ frames = [] for idx, res in enumerate(self.optimizer_.res): data = res["params"] data[self.metrics] = res["target"] frames.append( pd.DataFrame( data=data, index=[idx], ), ) df_results = pd.concat( frames, axis=0, ) df_results["max_depth"] = df_results["max_depth"].astype(int) return df_results
[docs] def get_best_params(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]: """Returns the tuned results of the optimization as the best set of hyper-parameters. Returns ------- Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]] """ targets = [] for _, rs in enumerate(self.optimizer_.res): targets.append(rs["target"]) best_params = self.optimizer_.res[targets.index(max(targets))]["params"] best_params["max_depth"] = int(best_params["max_depth"]) return best_params
[docs] def get_best_results(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the performance of the best (tuned) set of hyper-parameters. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ cond = self.results_[self.metrics] == self.results_[self.metrics].max() return self.results_.loc[cond, :].reset_index(drop=True)
def _default_params_bounds( self, ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]: """Default set of parameters when the class is being instantiated with ``params_bounds=None``. Notes ----- The default set of parameters would be a little bit different depends on the type of selection whether a classification or regression `metric` is being used. Returns ------- Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]] """ return { "max_depth": (2, 7), "learning_rate": (0.0, 1.0), "min_child_weight": (1.0, 20.0), "colsample_bytree": (0.1, 1.0), "subsample": (0.1, 1.0), "gamma": (0.0, 1.0), "reg_alpha": (0.0, 1.0), "reg_lambda": (0.0, 1.0), } def _verbose(self) -> int: """Returns verbosity level based on `verbose`. Returns ------- int """ return 2 if self.verbose else 0 def _inner_params( self, max_depth: float, subsample: float, colsample_bytree: float, min_child_weight: float, learning_rate: float, gamma: float, reg_alpha: float, reg_lambda: float, ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, float, int, None]]: """Default set of parameters passed in inner evaluation. Notes ----- The default set of inners parameters would be a little bit different depends on the type of task whether a classification or regression `metric` is being used. Returns ------- Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]] """ _params = { "eval_metric": self.metrics, "objective": self.objective, "reg_alpha": reg_alpha, "reg_lambda": reg_lambda, "learning_rate": learning_rate, "max_depth": int(max_depth), "min_child_weight": min_child_weight, "gamma": gamma, "subsample": subsample, "colsample_bytree": colsample_bytree, "tree_method": "hist", "nthread": 4, "max_delta_step": 1, "verbosity": 0, } # TODO(amir): this way prolly breaks for imbalanced classification if self.metrics in self._clf_metrics(): _params["scale_pos_weight"] = 1 return _params def _metrics_should_be_minimized(self) -> Set[str]: """Returns the default metrics that should be minimized. Returns ------- Set[str] """ return { "error", "logloss", "rmse", "rmsle", "mae", } def _clf_metrics(self) -> Set[str]: """Returns the default classification metrics. Returns ------- Set[str] """ return { "auc", "aucpr", "error", "logloss", } def _clf_objectives(self) -> Set[str]: """Returns the default classification objectives. Returns ------- Set[str] """ return { "binary:logistic", } def _metrics_and_objectives_should_be_aligned(self) -> None: """Predicate to validate the given metric and objective are aligned. Raises ------ ValueError Returns ------- None """ if self.metrics in self._clf_metrics() and self.objective not in self._clf_objectives(): raise ValueError( "Classification metrics cannot be used with regression objectives.", ) if self.metrics not in self._clf_metrics() and self.objective in self._clf_objectives(): raise ValueError( "Regression metrics cannot be used with classification objectives.", ) return None