
Module Contents#



XGBoost Hyper-Parameters Tuner using HyperOpt Optimization.

class slickml.optimization._hyperopt.XGBoostHyperOptimizer[source]#

Bases: slickml.base.BaseXGBoostEstimator

XGBoost Hyper-Parameters Tuner using HyperOpt Optimization.

This is wrapper using HyperOpt [hyperopt] a Python library for serial and parallel optimization over search spaces, which may include real-valued, discrete, and conditional dimensions to tune the hyper-parameter of XGBoost [xgboost-api] using functionality with n-folds cross-validation iteratively. This feature can be used to find the set of optimized set of hyper-parameters for both classification and regression tasks.


The optimizier objective is always to minimize the target values. Therefore, in case of using a metric such as auc, or aucpr the negative value of the metric will be minimized.

  • n_iter (int, optional) – Maximum number of iteration rounds for hyper-parameters tuning before convergance, by default 100

  • n_splits (int, optional) – Number of folds for cross-validation, by default 4

  • metrics (str, optional) – Metrics to be tracked at cross-validation fitting time depends on the task (classification vs regression) with possible values of “auc”, “aucpr”, “error”, “logloss”, “rmse”, “rmsle”, “mae”. Note this is different than eval_metric that needs to be passed to params dict, by default “auc”

  • objective (str, optional) – Objective function depending on the task whether it is regression or classification. Possible objectives for classification "binary:logistic" and for regression "reg:logistic", "reg:squarederror", and "reg:squaredlogerror", by default “binary:logistic”

  • params_bounds (Dict[str, Any], optional) – Set of hyper-parameters boundaries for HyperOpt using``hyperopt.hp`` and hyperopt.pyll_utils, by default {“max_depth” : (2, 7), “learning_rate” : (0, 1), “min_child_weight” : (1, 20), “colsample_bytree”: (0.1, 1.0), “subsample” : (0.1, 1), “gamma” : (0, 1), “reg_alpha” : (0, 1), “reg_lambda” : (0, 1)}

  • num_boost_round (int, optional) – Number of boosting rounds to fit a model, by default 200

  • early_stopping_rounds (int, optional) – The criterion to early abort the phase if the test metric is not improved, by default 20

  • random_state (int, optional) – Random seed number, by default 1367

  • stratified (bool, optional) – Whether to use stratificaiton of the targets (only available for classification tasks) to run to find the best number of boosting round at each fold of each iteration, by default True

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Whether to shuffle data to have the ability of building stratified folds in, by default True

  • sparse_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether to convert the input features to sparse matrix with csr format or not. This would increase the speed of feature selection for relatively large/sparse datasets. Consequently, this would actually act like an un-optimize solution for dense feature matrix. Additionally, this parameter cannot be used along with scale_mean=True standardizing the feature matrix to have a mean value of zeros would turn the feature matrix into a dense matrix. Therefore, by default our API banned this feature, by default False

  • scale_mean (bool, optional) – Whether to standarize the feauture matrix to have a mean value of zero per feature (center the features before scaling). As laid out in sparse_matrix, scale_mean=False when using sparse_matrix=True, since centering the feature matrix would decrease the sparsity and in practice it does not make any sense to use sparse matrix method and it would make it worse. The StandardScaler object can be accessed via cls.scaler_ if scale_mean or scale_strd is used unless it is None, by default False

  • scale_std (bool, optional) – Whether to scale the feauture matrix to have unit variance (or equivalently, unit standard deviation) per feature. The StandardScaler object can be accessed via cls.scaler_ if scale_mean or scale_strd is used unless it is None, by default False

  • importance_type (str, optional) – Importance type of xgboost.train() with possible values "weight", "gain", "total_gain", "cover", "total_cover", by default “total_gain”

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to show the HyperOpt Optimization progress at each iteration, by default True

fit(X, y)[source]#

Fits the HyperOpt optimization algorithm to tune the hyper-parameters


Returns the tuned hyper-parameters as a dictionary


Returns all the optimization trials


Return the trials object


Returns the parameters boundaries


Returns the tuned hyper-parameters as a dictionary


Returns all the optimization trials as results


__slots__ = []#
early_stopping_rounds :Optional[int] = 20#
importance_type :Optional[str] = total_gain#
metrics :Optional[str] = auc#
n_iter :Optional[int] = 100#
n_splits :Optional[int] = 4#
num_boost_round :Optional[int] = 200#
objective :Optional[str] = binary:logistic#
params :Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]#
params_bounds :Optional[Dict[str, Any]]#
random_state :Optional[int] = 1367#
scale_mean :Optional[bool] = False#
scale_std :Optional[bool] = False#
shuffle :Optional[bool] = True#
sparse_matrix :Optional[bool] = False#
stratified :Optional[bool] = True#
verbose :Optional[bool] = True#
__post_init__() None[source]#

Post instantiation validations and assignments.


Return repr(self).

fit(X: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y: Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]) None[source]#

Fits the main hyper-parameter tuning algorithm.


At each iteration, one set of parameters gets passed from the params_bounds and the evaluation occurs based on the cross-validation results. Hyper optimizier always minimizes the objectives. Therefore, based on the metrics we should be careful when using self.metrics that are supposed to get maximized i.e. auc. For those, we can maximize (-1) * metric.

  • X (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for training (features)

  • y (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series]) – Input ground truth for training (targets)



get_best_params() Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]][source]#

Returns the tuned results of the optimization as the best set of hyper-parameters.


Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]


Get parameters for this estimator.


deep (bool, default=True) – If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.


params (dict) – Parameter names mapped to their values.

get_params_bounds() Optional[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Returns the hyper-parameters boundaries for the tuning process.


Dict[str, Any]

get_results() List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Return all trials results.


List[Dict[str, Any]]

get_trials() hyperopt.Trials[source]#

Returns the Trials object passed to the optimizer.




Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as Pipeline). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


**params (dict) – Estimator parameters.


self (estimator instance) – Estimator instance.