
Package Contents#





XGBoost CV Regressor.


XGBoost Regressor.

class slickml.regression.GLMNetCVRegressor[source]#

Bases: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin


This is wrapper using GLM-Net [glmnet-api] to train a Regularized Linear Model via ElasticNet regression and find the optimal penalty values through N-Folds cross validation. In principle, GLMNet (also known as ElasticNet) can also be used for feature selection and dimensionality reduction using the LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) Regression part of the alogrithm while reaching a solid solution using the Ridge Regression part of the algorithm.

  • alpha (float, optional) – The stability parameter with a possible values of 0 <= alpha <= 1 where alpha=0.0 and alpha=1.0 will lead to classic Ridge and LASSO regression models, respectively, by default 0.5

  • n_lambda (int, optional) – Maximum number of penalty values to compute, by default 100

  • n_splits (int, optional) – Number of cross validation folds for computing performance metrics and determining lambda_best_ and lambda_max_. If non-zero, must beat least 3, by default 3

  • metric (str, optional) – Metric used for model selection during cross validation. Valid options are "r2", "mean_squared_error", "mean_absolute_error", and "median_absolute_error". The metric affects the selection of lambda_best_ and lambda_max_. Thus, fitting the same data with different metric methods will result in the selection of different models, by default “r2”

  • scale (bool, optional) – Whether to standardize the input features to have a mean value of 0.0 and standard deviation of 1 prior to fitting. The final coefficients will be on the scale of the original data regardless of this step. Therefore, there is no need to pre-process the data when using scale=True, by default True

  • sparse_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether to convert the input features to sparse matrix with csr format or not. This would increase the speed of feature selection for relatively large sparse datasets. Additionally, this parameter cannot be used along with scale=True where standardizing the feature matrix to have a mean value of zero would turn the feature matrix into a dense matrix, by default False

  • fit_intercept (bool, optional) – Include an intercept term in the model, by default True

  • cut_point (float, optional) – The cut point to use for selecting lambda_best_. Based on this value, the distance between lambda_max_ and lambda_best_ would be cut_point * standard_error(lambda_best_) ``arg_max(lambda) for cv_score(lambda) >= cv_score(lambda_max_) - cut_point * standard_error(lambda_max_), by default 1.0

  • min_lambda_ratio (float, optional) – In combination with n_lambda, the ratio of the smallest and largest values of lambda computed (min_lambda/max_lambda >= min_lambda_ratio), by default 1e-4

  • tolerance (float, optional) – Convergence criteria tolerance, by default 1e-7

  • max_iter (int, optional) – Maximum passes over the data, by default 100000

  • random_state (int, optional) – Seed for the random number generator. The glmnet solver is not deterministic, this seed is used for determining the cv folds.

  • lambda_path (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series], optional) – In place of supplying n_lambda, provide an array of specific values to compute. The specified values must be in decreasing order. When None, the path of lambda values will be determined automatically. A maximum of n_lambda values will be computed, by default None

  • max_features (int, optional) – Optional maximum number of features with nonzero coefficients after regularization. If not set, defaults to the number features (X_train.shape[1]) during fit. Note, this will be ignored if the user specifies lambda_path, by default None

fit(X_train, y_train)[source]#

Fits a glmnet.ElasticNet to input training data. Proper X_train matrix based on chosen options i.e. sparse_matrix, and scale is being created based on the passed X_train and y_train

predict(X_test, y_test)[source]#

Returns the prediction target (response) values


Visualizes the coefficients’ paths


Visualizes the cross-validation results


Visualizes Shapley values summary plot


Visualizes Shapley values waterfall plot


Returns the fitted shap.LinearExplainer object


Returns parameters


Returns model’s intercept


Returns non-zero coefficients


Returns cross-validation results


Returns model’s total results


Returns training data set




Returns transformed testing data set




Returns the list of training ground truth for training (targets)




Returns the list of testing ground truth for training (targets)




Return the model’s non-zero coefficients




Return the model’s intercept




Returns the cross-validation results




Returns the model’s total results


Dict[str, Any]


Returns model’s fitting parameters


Dict[str, Any]


Shapley values from LinearExplainer using X_train




Shapley values from LinearExplainer using X_test




Shap LinearExplainer with independent masker using X_Test




Returns fitted glmnet.ElasticNet model




alpha :Optional[float] = 0.5#
cut_point :Optional[float] = 1.0#
fit_intercept :Optional[bool] = True#
lambda_path :Optional[Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]]#
max_features :Optional[int]#
max_iter :Optional[int] = 100000#
metric :Optional[str] = r2#
min_lambda_ratio :Optional[float] = 0.0001#
n_lambda :Optional[int] = 100#
n_splits :Optional[int] = 3#
random_state :Optional[int] = 1367#
scale :Optional[bool] = True#
sparse_matrix :Optional[bool] = False#
tolerance :Optional[float] = 1e-07#
__post_init__() None[source]#

Post instantiation validations and assignments.


Return repr(self).

fit(X_train: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y_train: Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]) None[source]#

Fits a glmnet.ElasticNet to input training data.


For the cases that sparse_matrix=True, a CSR format of the input will be used via df_to_csr() function.

  • X_train (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for training (features)

  • y_train (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series]) – Input ground truth for training (targets)



get_coeffs(output: Optional[str] = 'dataframe') Union[Dict[str, float], pandas.DataFrame][source]#

Returns model’s coefficients in different format.


output (str, optional) – Output format with possible values of “dataframe” and “dict”, by default “dataframe”


Union[Dict[str, float], pd.DataFrame]

get_cv_results() pandas.DataFrame[source]#

Returns model’s cross-validation results.

See also




get_intercept() float[source]#

Returns the model’s intercept.



get_params() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Returns model’s parameters.


Dict[str, Any]

get_results() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Returns model’s total results.

See also



Dict[str, Any]

get_shap_explainer() shap.LinearExplainer[source]#

Returns shap.LinearExplainer object.



plot_coeff_path(figsize: Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] = (8, 5), linestyle: Optional[str] = '-', fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, grid: Optional[bool] = True, legend: Optional[bool] = True, legendloc: Optional[Union[int, str]] = 'center', xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = 'Coefficients', title: Optional[str] = None, bbox_to_anchor: Tuple[float, float] = (1.1, 0.5), yscale: Optional[str] = 'linear', save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure][source]#

Visualizes the GLMNet coefficients’ paths.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle of paths, by default “-”

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize of the title. The fontsizes of xlabel, ylabel, tick_params, and legend are resized with 0.85, 0.85, 0.75, and 0.85 fraction of title fontsize, respectively, by default 12

  • grid (bool, optional) – Whether to show (x,y) grid on the plot or not, by default True

  • legend (bool, optional) – Whether to show legend on the plot or not, by default True

  • legendloc (Union[int, str], optional) – Location of legend, by default “center”

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Xlabel of the plot, by default “-Log(Lambda)”

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Ylabel of the plot, by default “Coefficients”

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default “Best {lambda_best} with {n} Features”

  • yscale (str, optiona) – Scale for y-axis (coefficients). Possible options are "linear", "log", "symlog", "logit" [yscale], by default “linear”

  • bbox_to_anchor (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Relative coordinates for legend location outside of the plot, by default (1.1, 0.5)

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Key-value pairs of results. results_ attribute can be used


Figure, optional

plot_cv_results(figsize: Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] = (8, 5), marker: Optional[str] = 'o', markersize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 5, color: Optional[str] = 'red', errorbarcolor: Optional[str] = 'black', maxlambdacolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', bestlambdacolor: Optional[str] = 'navy', linestyle: Optional[str] = '--', fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, grid: Optional[bool] = True, legend: Optional[bool] = True, legendloc: Optional[Union[int, str]] = 'best', xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure][source]#

Visualizes the GLMNet cross-validation results.


This plotting function can be used along with results_ attribute of any of GLMNetCVClassifier, or GLMNetCVRegressor classes as kwargs.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style of the metric to distinguish the error bars. More valid marker styles can be found at [markers-api], by default “o”

  • markersize (Union[int, float], optional) – Markersize, by default 5

  • color (str, optional) – Line and marker color, by default “red”

  • errorbarcolor (str, optional) – Error bar color, by default “black”

  • maxlambdacolor (str, optional) – Color of vertical line for lambda_max_, by default “purple”

  • bestlambdacolor (str, optional) – Color of vertical line for lambda_best_, by default “navy”

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle of vertical lambda lines, by default “–”

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize of the title. The fontsizes of xlabel, ylabel, tick_params, and legend are resized with 0.85, 0.85, 0.75, and 0.85 fraction of title fontsize, respectively, by default 12

  • grid (bool, optional) – Whether to show (x,y) grid on the plot or not, by default True

  • legend (bool, optional) – Whether to show legend on the plot or not, by default True

  • legendloc (Union[int, str], optional) – Location of legend, by default “best”

  • xlabel (str, optional) – Xlabel of the plot, by default “-Log(Lambda)”

  • ylabel (str, optional) – Ylabel of the plot, by default “{n_splits}-Folds CV Mean {metric}”

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default “Best {lambda_best} with {n} Features”

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False

  • **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – Key-value pairs of results. results_ attribute can be used


Figure, optional

plot_shap_summary(validation: Optional[bool] = True, plot_type: Optional[str] = 'dot', figsize: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = 'auto', color: Optional[str] = None, cmap: Optional[matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap] = None, max_display: Optional[int] = 20, feature_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, layered_violin_max_num_bins: Optional[int] = 10, title: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[bool] = True, color_bar: Optional[bool] = True, class_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, class_inds: Optional[List[int]] = None, color_bar_label: Optional[str] = 'Feature Value', save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True) None[source]#

Visualizes shap beeswarm plot as summary of shapley values.


This is a helper function to plot the shap summary plot based on all types of shap.Explainer including shap.LinearExplainer for linear models, shap.TreeExplainer for tree-based models, and shap.DeepExplainer deep neural network models. More on details are available at [shap-api]. Note that this function should be ran after the predict_proba() to make sure the X_test is being instansiated or set validation=False.

  • validation (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate Shap values of using the validation data X_test or not. When validation=False, Shap values are calculated using X_train, be default True

  • plot_type (str, optional) – The type of summary plot where possible options are “bar”, “dot”, “violin”, “layered_violin”, and “compact_dot”. Recommendations are “dot” for single-output such as binary classifications, “bar” for multi-output problems, “compact_dot” for Shap interactions, by default “dot”

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figure size where “auto” is auto-scaled figure size based on the number of features that are being displayed. Passing a single float will cause each row to be that many inches high. Passing a pair of floats will scale the plot by that number of inches. If None is passed then the size of the current figure will be left unchanged, by default “auto”

  • color (str, optional) – Color of plots when plot_type="violin" and plot_type=layered_violin" are “RdBl” color-map while color of the horizontal lines when plot_type="bar" is “#D0AAF3”, by default None

  • cmap (LinearSegmentedColormap, optional) – Color map when plot_type="violin" and plot_type=layered_violin", by default “RdBl”

  • max_display (int, optional) – Limit to show the number of features in the plot, by default 20

  • feature_names (List[str], optional) – List of feature names to pass. It should follow the order of features, by default None

  • layered_violin_max_num_bins (int, optional) – The number of bins for calculating the violin plots ranges and outliers, by default 10

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • sort (bool, optional) – Flag to plot sorted shap vlues in descending order, by default True

  • color_bar (bool, optional) – Flag to show a color bar when plot_type="dot" or plot_type="violin"

  • class_names (List[str], optional) – List of class names for multi-output problems, by default None

  • class_inds (List[int], optional) – List of class indices for multi-output problems, by default None

  • color_bar_label (str, optional) – Label for color bar, by default “Feature Value”

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True



plot_shap_waterfall(validation: Optional[bool] = True, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (8, 5), bar_color: Optional[str] = '#B3C3F3', bar_thickness: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 0.5, line_color: Optional[str] = 'purple', marker: Optional[str] = 'o', markersize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 7, markeredgecolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', markerfacecolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', markeredgewidth: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 1, max_display: Optional[int] = 20, title: Optional[str] = None, fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure][source]#

Visualizes the Shapley values as a waterfall plot.


Waterfall is defined as the cumulitative/composite ratios of shap values per feature. Therefore, it can be easily seen with each feature how much explainability we can achieve. Note that this function should be ran after the predict_proba() to make sure the X_test is being instansiated or set validation=False.

  • validation (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate Shap values of using the validation data X_test or not. When validation=False, Shap values are calculated using X_train, be default True

  • figsize (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • bar_color (str, optional) – Color of the horizontal bar lines, “#B3C3F3”

  • bar_thickness (Union[float, int], optional) – Thickness (hight) of the horizontal bar lines, by default 0.5

  • line_color (str, optional) – Color of the line plot, by default “purple”

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style of the lollipops. More valid marker styles can be found at [2]_, by default “o”

  • markersize (Union[int, float], optional) – Markersize, by default 7

  • markeredgecolor (str, optional) – Marker edge color, by default “purple”

  • markerfacecolor (str, optional) – Marker face color, by default “purple”

  • markeredgewidth (Union[int, float], optional) – Marker edge width, by default 1

  • max_display (int, optional) – Limit to show the number of features in the plot, by default 20

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize for xlabel and ylabel, and ticks parameters, by default 12

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False


Figure, optional

predict(X_test: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y_test: Optional[Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]] = None, lamb: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Returns the prediction response values (targets).

  • X_test (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for testing (features)

  • y_test (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series], optional) – Input ground truth for testing (targets)

  • lamb (np.ndarray, optional) – Values with shape (n_lambda,) of lambda from lambda_path_ from which to make predictions. If no values are provided (None), the returned predictions will be those corresponding to lambda_best_. The values of lamb must also be in the range of lambda_path_, values greater than max(lambda_path_) or less than min(lambda_path_) will be clipped



score(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Return the coefficient of determination of the prediction.

The coefficient of determination \(R^2\) is defined as \((1 - \frac{u}{v})\), where \(u\) is the residual sum of squares ((y_true - y_pred)** 2).sum() and \(v\) is the total sum of squares ((y_true - y_true.mean()) ** 2).sum(). The best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse). A constant model that always predicts the expected value of y, disregarding the input features, would get a \(R^2\) score of 0.0.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – Test samples. For some estimators this may be a precomputed kernel matrix or a list of generic objects instead with shape (n_samples, n_samples_fitted), where n_samples_fitted is the number of samples used in the fitting for the estimator.

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)) – True values for X.

  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – Sample weights.


score (float) – \(R^2\) of self.predict(X) wrt. y.


The \(R^2\) score used when calling score on a regressor uses multioutput='uniform_average' from version 0.23 to keep consistent with default value of r2_score(). This influences the score method of all the multioutput regressors (except for MultiOutputRegressor).


Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as Pipeline). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


**params (dict) – Estimator parameters.


self (estimator instance) – Estimator instance.

class slickml.regression.XGBoostCVRegressor[source]#

Bases: slickml.regression._xgboost.XGBoostRegressor

XGBoost CV Regressor.

This is wrapper using XGBoostRegressor to train a XGBoost [xgboost-api] model with using the optimum number of boosting rounds from the inputs. It used model with n-folds cross-validation and train model based on the best number of boosting round to avoid over-fitting.

  • num_boost_round (int, optional) – Number of boosting rounds to fit a model, by default 200

  • n_splits (int, optional) – Number of folds for cross-validation, by default 4

  • metrics (str, optional) – Metrics to be tracked at cross-validation fitting time with possible values of "rmse", "rmsle", "mae". Note this is different than eval_metric that needs to be passed to params dict, by default “rmse”

  • early_stopping_rounds (int, optional) – The criterion to early abort the phase if the test metric is not improved, by default 20

  • random_state (int, optional) – Random seed number, by default 1367

  • shuffle (bool, optional) – Whether to shuffle data to have the ability of building stratified folds in, by default True

  • sparse_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether to convert the input features to sparse matrix with csr format or not. This would increase the speed of feature selection for relatively large/sparse datasets. Consequently, this would actually act like an un-optimize solution for dense feature matrix. Additionally, this feature cannot be used along with scale_mean=True standardizing the feature matrix to have a mean value of zeros would turn the feature matrix into a dense matrix. Therefore, by default our API banned this feature, by default False

  • scale_mean (bool, optional) – Whether to standarize the feauture matrix to have a mean value of zero per feature (center the features before scaling). As laid out in sparse_matrix, scale_mean=False when using sparse_matrix=True, since centering the feature matrix would decrease the sparsity and in practice it does not make any sense to use sparse matrix method and it would make it worse. The StandardScaler object can be accessed via cls.scaler_ if scale_mean or scale_strd is used unless it is None, by default False

  • scale_std (bool, optional) – Whether to scale the feauture matrix to have unit variance (or equivalently, unit standard deviation) per feature. The StandardScaler object can be accessed via cls.scaler_ if scale_mean or scale_strd is used unless it is None, by default False

  • importance_type (str, optional) – Importance type of xgboost.train() with possible values "weight", "gain", "total_gain", "cover", "total_cover", by default “total_gain”

  • params (Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]], optional) – Set of parameters required for fitting a Booster, by default {“eval_metric”: “rmse”, “tree_method”: “hist”, “objective”: “reg:squarederror”, “learning_rate”: 0.05, “max_depth”: 2, “min_child_weight”: 1, “gamma”: 0.0, “reg_alpha”: 0.0, “reg_lambda”: 1.0, “subsample”: 0.9, “max_delta_step”: 1, “verbosity”: 0, “nthread”: 4} Other options for objective: "reg:logistic", "reg:squaredlogerror"

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to log the final results of, by default True

  • callbacks (bool, optional) – Whether to logging standard deviation of metrics on train data and track the early stopping criterion, by default False

fit(X_train, y_train)[source]#

Fits a XGBoost.Booster to input training data. Proper dtrain_ matrix based on chosen options i.e. sparse_matrix, scale_mean, scale_std is being created based on the passed X_train and y_train

predict(X_test, y_test)#

Returns prediction target values


Returns the mean value of the metrics in n_splits cross-validation for each boosting round


Returns final set of train parameters. The default set of parameters will be updated with the new ones that passed to params


Returns the default set of train parameters. The default set of parameters will be used when params=None


Returns the feature importance of the trained booster based on the given importance_type


Returns the shap.TreeExplainer


Visualizes cross-validation results


Visualizes Shapley values summary plot


Visualizes Shapley values waterfall plot


The mean value of the metrics in n_splits cross-validation for each boosting round




Features importance based on the given importance_type




Standardization object when scale_mean=True or scale_std=True unless it is None


StandardScaler, optional


Fitted and Transformed features when scale_mean=True or scale_std=True. In other case, it will be the same as the passed X_train features




Transformed features when scale_mean=True or scale_std=True using clf.scaler_ that has be fitted on X_train and y_train data. In other case, it will be the same as the passed X_train features




Training data matrix via xgboost.DMatrix(clf.X_train_, clf.y_train)




Testing data matrix via xgboost.DMatrix(clf.X_test_, clf.y_test) or xgboost.DMatrix(clf.X_test_, None) when y_test is not available in inference




Shapley values from TreeExplainer using X_train_




Shapley values from TreeExplainer using X_test_




Shap TreeExplainer object




XGBoost Booster object




__slots__ = []#
callbacks :Optional[bool] = False#
early_stopping_rounds :Optional[int] = 20#
importance_type :Optional[str] = total_gain#
metrics :Optional[str] = rmse#
n_splits :Optional[int] = 4#
num_boost_round :Optional[int] = 200#
params :Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]#
random_state :Optional[int] = 1367#
scale_mean :Optional[bool] = False#
scale_std :Optional[bool] = False#
shuffle :Optional[bool] = True#
sparse_matrix :Optional[bool] = False#
verbose :Optional[bool] = True#
__post_init__() None[source]#

Post instantiation validations and assignments.


Return repr(self).

fit(X_train: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y_train: Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]) None[source]#

Fits a XGBoost.Booster to input training data based on the best number of boostring round.

  • X_train (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for training (features)

  • y_train (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series]) – Input ground truth for training (targets)

See also xgboost.train()



get_cv_results() pandas.DataFrame[source]#

Returns cross-validiation results.



get_default_params() Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]#

Returns the default set of train parameters.

The default set of parameters will be used when params=None.

See also



Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]

get_feature_importance() pandas.DataFrame#

Returns the feature importance of the trained booster based on the given importance_type.



get_params() Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]#

Returns the final set of train parameters.

The default set of parameters will be updated with the new ones that passed to params.


Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]

get_shap_explainer() shap.TreeExplainer#

Returns the shap.TreeExplainer object.



plot_cv_results(figsize: Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] = (8, 5), linestyle: Optional[str] = '--', train_label: Optional[str] = 'Train', test_label: Optional[str] = 'Test', train_color: Optional[str] = 'navy', train_std_color: Optional[str] = '#B3C3F3', test_color: Optional[str] = 'purple', test_std_color: Optional[str] = '#D0AAF3', save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = False, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure][source]#

Visualizes the cross-validation results and evolution of metrics through number of boosting rounds.

  • cv_results (pd.DataFrame) – Cross-validation results

  • figsize (Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]], optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Style of lines [linestyles-api], by default “–”

  • train_label (str, optional) – Label in the figure legend for the train line, by default “Train”

  • test_label (str, optional) – Label in the figure legend for the test line, by default “Test”

  • train_color (str, optional) – Color of the training line, by default “navy”

  • train_std_color (str, optional) – Color of the edge color of the training std bars, by default “#B3C3F3”

  • test_color (str, optional) – Color of the testing line, by default “purple”

  • test_std_color (str, optional) – Color of the edge color of the testing std bars, by default “#D0AAF3”

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default False

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False


Figure, optional

plot_feature_importance(figsize: Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] = (8, 5), color: Optional[str] = '#87CEEB', marker: Optional[str] = 'o', markersize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 10, markeredgecolor: Optional[str] = '#1F77B4', markerfacecolor: Optional[str] = '#1F77B4', markeredgewidth: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 1, fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure]#

Visualizes the XGBoost feature importance as bar chart.

  • feature importance (pd.DataFrame) – Feature importance (feature_importance_ attribute)

  • figsize (Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]], optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • color (str, optional) – Color of the horizontal lines of lollipops, by default “#87CEEB”

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style of the lollipops. More valid marker styles can be found at [markers-api], by default “o”

  • markersize (Union[int, float], optional) – Markersize, by default 10

  • markeredgecolor (str, optional) – Marker edge color, by default “#1F77B4”

  • markerfacecolor (str, optional) – Marker face color, by defualt “#1F77B4”

  • markeredgewidth (Union[int, float], optional) – Marker edge width, by default 1

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize for xlabel and ylabel, and ticks parameters, by default 12

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False


Figure, optional

plot_shap_summary(validation: Optional[bool] = True, plot_type: Optional[str] = 'dot', figsize: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = 'auto', color: Optional[str] = None, cmap: Optional[matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap] = None, max_display: Optional[int] = 20, feature_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, layered_violin_max_num_bins: Optional[int] = 10, title: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[bool] = True, color_bar: Optional[bool] = True, class_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, class_inds: Optional[List[int]] = None, color_bar_label: Optional[str] = 'Feature Value', save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True) None#

Visualizes shap beeswarm plot as summary of shapley values.


This is a helper function to plot the shap summary plot based on all types of shap.Explainer including shap.LinearExplainer for linear models, shap.TreeExplainer for tree-based models, and shap.DeepExplainer deep neural network models. More on details are available at [shap-api]. Note that this function should be ran after the predict() to make sure the X_test is being instansiated or set validation=False.

  • validation (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate Shap values of using the validation data X_test or not. When validation=False, Shap values are calculated using X_train, be default True

  • plot_type (str, optional) – The type of summary plot where possible options are “bar”, “dot”, “violin”, “layered_violin”, and “compact_dot”. Recommendations are “dot” for single-output such as binary classifications, “bar” for multi-output problems, “compact_dot” for Shap interactions, by default “dot”

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figure size where “auto” is auto-scaled figure size based on the number of features that are being displayed. Passing a single float will cause each row to be that many inches high. Passing a pair of floats will scale the plot by that number of inches. If None is passed then the size of the current figure will be left unchanged, by default “auto”

  • color (str, optional) – Color of plots when plot_type="violin" and plot_type=layered_violin" are “RdBl” color-map while color of the horizontal lines when plot_type="bar" is “#D0AAF3”, by default None

  • cmap (LinearSegmentedColormap, optional) – Color map when plot_type="violin" and plot_type=layered_violin", by default “RdBl”

  • max_display (int, optional) – Limit to show the number of features in the plot, by default 20

  • feature_names (List[str], optional) – List of feature names to pass. It should follow the order of features, by default None

  • layered_violin_max_num_bins (int, optional) – The number of bins for calculating the violin plots ranges and outliers, by default 10

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • sort (bool, optional) – Flag to plot sorted shap vlues in descending order, by default True

  • color_bar (bool, optional) – Flag to show a color bar when plot_type="dot" or plot_type="violin"

  • class_names (List[str], optional) – List of class names for multi-output problems, by default None

  • class_inds (List[int], optional) – List of class indices for multi-output problems, by default None

  • color_bar_label (str, optional) – Label for color bar, by default “Feature Value”

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True



plot_shap_waterfall(validation: Optional[bool] = True, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (8, 5), bar_color: Optional[str] = '#B3C3F3', bar_thickness: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 0.5, line_color: Optional[str] = 'purple', marker: Optional[str] = 'o', markersize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 7, markeredgecolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', markerfacecolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', markeredgewidth: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 1, max_display: Optional[int] = 20, title: Optional[str] = None, fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure]#

Visualizes the Shapley values as a waterfall plot.


Waterfall is defined as the cumulitative/composite ratios of shap values per feature. Therefore, it can be easily seen with each feature how much explainability we can achieve. Note that this function should be ran after the predict() to make sure the X_test is being instansiated or set validation=False.

  • validation (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate Shap values of using the validation data X_test or not. When validation=False, Shap values are calculated using X_train, be default True

  • figsize (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • bar_color (str, optional) – Color of the horizontal bar lines, “#B3C3F3”

  • bar_thickness (Union[float, int], optional) – Thickness (hight) of the horizontal bar lines, by default 0.5

  • line_color (str, optional) – Color of the line plot, by default “purple”

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style of the lollipops. More valid marker styles can be found at [2]_, by default “o”

  • markersize (Union[int, float], optional) – Markersize, by default 7

  • markeredgecolor (str, optional) – Marker edge color, by default “purple”

  • markerfacecolor (str, optional) – Marker face color, by default “purple”

  • markeredgewidth (Union[int, float], optional) – Marker edge width, by default 1

  • max_display (int, optional) – Limit to show the number of features in the plot, by default 20

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize for xlabel and ylabel, and ticks parameters, by default 12

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False


Figure, optional

predict(X_test: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y_test: Optional[Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]] = None) numpy.ndarray#

Returns the prediction target (response) values.

  • X_test (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for testing (features)

  • y_test (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series], optional) – Input ground truth for testing (targets)



score(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Return the coefficient of determination of the prediction.

The coefficient of determination \(R^2\) is defined as \((1 - \frac{u}{v})\), where \(u\) is the residual sum of squares ((y_true - y_pred)** 2).sum() and \(v\) is the total sum of squares ((y_true - y_true.mean()) ** 2).sum(). The best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse). A constant model that always predicts the expected value of y, disregarding the input features, would get a \(R^2\) score of 0.0.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – Test samples. For some estimators this may be a precomputed kernel matrix or a list of generic objects instead with shape (n_samples, n_samples_fitted), where n_samples_fitted is the number of samples used in the fitting for the estimator.

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)) – True values for X.

  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – Sample weights.


score (float) – \(R^2\) of self.predict(X) wrt. y.


The \(R^2\) score used when calling score on a regressor uses multioutput='uniform_average' from version 0.23 to keep consistent with default value of r2_score(). This influences the score method of all the multioutput regressors (except for MultiOutputRegressor).


Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as Pipeline). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


**params (dict) – Estimator parameters.


self (estimator instance) – Estimator instance.

class slickml.regression.XGBoostRegressor[source]#

Bases: slickml.base.BaseXGBoostEstimator, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin

XGBoost Regressor.

This is wrapper using XGBoost regressor to train a XGBoost [xgboost-api] model using the number of boosting rounds from the inputs. This is also the base class for XGBoostCVRegressor.

  • num_boost_round (int, optional) – Number of boosting rounds to fit a model, by default 200

  • sparse_matrix (bool, optional) – Whether to convert the input features to sparse matrix with csr format or not. This would increase the speed of feature selection for relatively large/sparse datasets. Consequently, this would actually act like an un-optimize solution for dense feature matrix. Additionally, this feature cannot be used along with scale_mean=True standardizing the feature matrix to have a mean value of zeros would turn the feature matrix into a dense matrix. Therefore, by default our API banned this feature, by default False

  • scale_mean (bool, optional) – Whether to standarize the feauture matrix to have a mean value of zero per feature (center the features before scaling). As laid out in sparse_matrix, scale_mean=False when using sparse_matrix=True, since centering the feature matrix would decrease the sparsity and in practice it does not make any sense to use sparse matrix method and it would make it worse. The StandardScaler object can be accessed via cls.scaler_ if scale_mean or scale_strd is used unless it is None, by default False

  • scale_std (bool, optional) – Whether to scale the feauture matrix to have unit variance (or equivalently, unit standard deviation) per feature. The StandardScaler object can be accessed via cls.scaler_ if scale_mean or scale_strd is used unless it is None, by default False

  • importance_type (str, optional) – Importance type of xgboost.train() with possible values "weight", "gain", "total_gain", "cover", "total_cover", by default “total_gain”

  • params (Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]], optional) – Set of parameters required for fitting a Booster, by default {“eval_metric”: “rmse”, “tree_method”: “hist”, “objective”: “reg:squarederror”, “learning_rate”: 0.05, “max_depth”: 2, “min_child_weight”: 1, “gamma”: 0.0, “reg_alpha”: 0.0, “reg_lambda”: 1.0, “subsample”: 0.9, “max_delta_step”: 1, “verbosity”: 0, “nthread”: 4} Other options for objective: "reg:logistic", "reg:squaredlogerror"

fit(X_train, y_train)[source]#

Fits a XGBoost.Booster to input training data. Proper dtrain_ matrix based on chosen options i.e. sparse_matrix, scale_mean, scale_std is being created based on the passed X_train and y_train

predict(X_test, y_test)[source]#

Returns prediction target values


Returns final set of train parameters. The default set of parameters will be updated with the new ones that passed to params


Returns the default set of train parameters. The default set of parameters will be used when params=None


Returns the feature importance of the trained booster based on the given importance_type


Returns the shap.TreeExplainer


Visualizes Shapley values summary plot


Visualizes Shapley values waterfall plot


Features importance based on the given importance_type




Standardization object when scale_mean=True or scale_std=True unless it is None


StandardScaler, optional


Fitted and Transformed features when scale_mean=True or scale_std=True. In other case, it will be the same as the passed X_train features




Transformed features when scale_mean=True or scale_std=True using clf.scaler_ that has be fitted on X_train and y_train data. In other case, it will be the same as the passed X_train features




Training data matrix via xgboost.DMatrix(clf.X_train_, clf.y_train)




Testing data matrix via xgboost.DMatrix(clf.X_test_, clf.y_test) or xgboost.DMatrix(clf.X_test_, None) when y_test is not available in inference




Shapley values from TreeExplainer using X_train_




Shapley values from TreeExplainer using X_test_




Shap TreeExplainer object




XGBoost Booster object




__slots__ = []#
importance_type :Optional[str] = total_gain#
num_boost_round :Optional[int] = 200#
params :Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]#
scale_mean :Optional[bool] = False#
scale_std :Optional[bool] = False#
sparse_matrix :Optional[bool] = False#
__post_init__() None[source]#

Post instantiation validations and assignments.


Return repr(self).

fit(X_train: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y_train: Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]) None[source]#

Fits a XGBoost.Booster to input training data.


Proper dtrain_ matrix based on chosen options i.e. sparse_matrix, scale_mean, scale_std is being created based on the passed X_train and y_train.

  • X_train (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for training (features)

  • y_train (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series]) – Input ground truth for training (targets)

See also




get_default_params() Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]][source]#

Returns the default set of train parameters.

The default set of parameters will be used when params=None.

See also



Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]

get_feature_importance() pandas.DataFrame[source]#

Returns the feature importance of the trained booster based on the given importance_type.



get_params() Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]][source]#

Returns the final set of train parameters.

The default set of parameters will be updated with the new ones that passed to params.


Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]

get_shap_explainer() shap.TreeExplainer[source]#

Returns the shap.TreeExplainer object.



plot_feature_importance(figsize: Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] = (8, 5), color: Optional[str] = '#87CEEB', marker: Optional[str] = 'o', markersize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 10, markeredgecolor: Optional[str] = '#1F77B4', markerfacecolor: Optional[str] = '#1F77B4', markeredgewidth: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 1, fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure][source]#

Visualizes the XGBoost feature importance as bar chart.

  • feature importance (pd.DataFrame) – Feature importance (feature_importance_ attribute)

  • figsize (Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]], optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • color (str, optional) – Color of the horizontal lines of lollipops, by default “#87CEEB”

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style of the lollipops. More valid marker styles can be found at [markers-api], by default “o”

  • markersize (Union[int, float], optional) – Markersize, by default 10

  • markeredgecolor (str, optional) – Marker edge color, by default “#1F77B4”

  • markerfacecolor (str, optional) – Marker face color, by defualt “#1F77B4”

  • markeredgewidth (Union[int, float], optional) – Marker edge width, by default 1

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize for xlabel and ylabel, and ticks parameters, by default 12

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False


Figure, optional

plot_shap_summary(validation: Optional[bool] = True, plot_type: Optional[str] = 'dot', figsize: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]] = 'auto', color: Optional[str] = None, cmap: Optional[matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap] = None, max_display: Optional[int] = 20, feature_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, layered_violin_max_num_bins: Optional[int] = 10, title: Optional[str] = None, sort: Optional[bool] = True, color_bar: Optional[bool] = True, class_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, class_inds: Optional[List[int]] = None, color_bar_label: Optional[str] = 'Feature Value', save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True) None[source]#

Visualizes shap beeswarm plot as summary of shapley values.


This is a helper function to plot the shap summary plot based on all types of shap.Explainer including shap.LinearExplainer for linear models, shap.TreeExplainer for tree-based models, and shap.DeepExplainer deep neural network models. More on details are available at [shap-api]. Note that this function should be ran after the predict() to make sure the X_test is being instansiated or set validation=False.

  • validation (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate Shap values of using the validation data X_test or not. When validation=False, Shap values are calculated using X_train, be default True

  • plot_type (str, optional) – The type of summary plot where possible options are “bar”, “dot”, “violin”, “layered_violin”, and “compact_dot”. Recommendations are “dot” for single-output such as binary classifications, “bar” for multi-output problems, “compact_dot” for Shap interactions, by default “dot”

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figure size where “auto” is auto-scaled figure size based on the number of features that are being displayed. Passing a single float will cause each row to be that many inches high. Passing a pair of floats will scale the plot by that number of inches. If None is passed then the size of the current figure will be left unchanged, by default “auto”

  • color (str, optional) – Color of plots when plot_type="violin" and plot_type=layered_violin" are “RdBl” color-map while color of the horizontal lines when plot_type="bar" is “#D0AAF3”, by default None

  • cmap (LinearSegmentedColormap, optional) – Color map when plot_type="violin" and plot_type=layered_violin", by default “RdBl”

  • max_display (int, optional) – Limit to show the number of features in the plot, by default 20

  • feature_names (List[str], optional) – List of feature names to pass. It should follow the order of features, by default None

  • layered_violin_max_num_bins (int, optional) – The number of bins for calculating the violin plots ranges and outliers, by default 10

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • sort (bool, optional) – Flag to plot sorted shap vlues in descending order, by default True

  • color_bar (bool, optional) – Flag to show a color bar when plot_type="dot" or plot_type="violin"

  • class_names (List[str], optional) – List of class names for multi-output problems, by default None

  • class_inds (List[int], optional) – List of class indices for multi-output problems, by default None

  • color_bar_label (str, optional) – Label for color bar, by default “Feature Value”

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True



plot_shap_waterfall(validation: Optional[bool] = True, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (8, 5), bar_color: Optional[str] = '#B3C3F3', bar_thickness: Optional[Union[float, int]] = 0.5, line_color: Optional[str] = 'purple', marker: Optional[str] = 'o', markersize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 7, markeredgecolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', markerfacecolor: Optional[str] = 'purple', markeredgewidth: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 1, max_display: Optional[int] = 20, title: Optional[str] = None, fontsize: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 12, save_path: Optional[str] = None, display_plot: Optional[bool] = True, return_fig: Optional[bool] = False) Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure][source]#

Visualizes the Shapley values as a waterfall plot.


Waterfall is defined as the cumulitative/composite ratios of shap values per feature. Therefore, it can be easily seen with each feature how much explainability we can achieve. Note that this function should be ran after the predict() to make sure the X_test is being instansiated or set validation=False.

  • validation (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate Shap values of using the validation data X_test or not. When validation=False, Shap values are calculated using X_train, be default True

  • figsize (Tuple[float, float], optional) – Figure size, by default (8, 5)

  • bar_color (str, optional) – Color of the horizontal bar lines, “#B3C3F3”

  • bar_thickness (Union[float, int], optional) – Thickness (hight) of the horizontal bar lines, by default 0.5

  • line_color (str, optional) – Color of the line plot, by default “purple”

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style of the lollipops. More valid marker styles can be found at [2]_, by default “o”

  • markersize (Union[int, float], optional) – Markersize, by default 7

  • markeredgecolor (str, optional) – Marker edge color, by default “purple”

  • markerfacecolor (str, optional) – Marker face color, by default “purple”

  • markeredgewidth (Union[int, float], optional) – Marker edge width, by default 1

  • max_display (int, optional) – Limit to show the number of features in the plot, by default 20

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • fontsize (Union[int, float], optional) – Fontsize for xlabel and ylabel, and ticks parameters, by default 12

  • save_path (str, optional) – The full or relative path to save the plot including the image format such as “myplot.png” or “../../myplot.pdf”, by default None

  • display_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True

  • return_fig (bool, optional) – Whether to return figure object, by default False


Figure, optional

predict(X_test: Union[pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray], y_test: Optional[Union[List[float], numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series]] = None) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Returns the prediction target (response) values.

  • X_test (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) – Input data for testing (features)

  • y_test (Union[List[float], np.ndarray, pd.Series], optional) – Input ground truth for testing (targets)



score(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Return the coefficient of determination of the prediction.

The coefficient of determination \(R^2\) is defined as \((1 - \frac{u}{v})\), where \(u\) is the residual sum of squares ((y_true - y_pred)** 2).sum() and \(v\) is the total sum of squares ((y_true - y_true.mean()) ** 2).sum(). The best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse). A constant model that always predicts the expected value of y, disregarding the input features, would get a \(R^2\) score of 0.0.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)) – Test samples. For some estimators this may be a precomputed kernel matrix or a list of generic objects instead with shape (n_samples, n_samples_fitted), where n_samples_fitted is the number of samples used in the fitting for the estimator.

  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)) – True values for X.

  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None) – Sample weights.


score (float) – \(R^2\) of self.predict(X) wrt. y.


The \(R^2\) score used when calling score on a regressor uses multioutput='uniform_average' from version 0.23 to keep consistent with default value of r2_score(). This influences the score method of all the multioutput regressors (except for MultiOutputRegressor).


Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as Pipeline). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


**params (dict) – Estimator parameters.


self (estimator instance) – Estimator instance.